Kau Harus Bisa Berlapang Dada
I instantly fell in love at the first time I heard this song through deezer.com. This song has nice and easy listening music and also has deep meaning lyrics that directly touch my heart. The message is simple but strong. Honestly, I also really like that Erros cut his hair and it makes him look more mature and more handsome than ever! Hehe.
-Lapang Dada-
Apa yang salah dengan lagu ini
What is wrong with this song
Kenapa kembali ku mengingatmu
I'm remembering you again
Seperti aku bisa merasakan getaran jantung dan langkah kakimu
It as if I can feel your heartbeat and your footsteps
Kemana ini akan membawaku
Where will it take me
Kau harus bisa berlapang dada
You have to relieve and have a big heart
Kau harus bisa ambil hikmahnya
There is a blessing in disguise, if you know
Karena semua tak lagi sama
Because everything has changed
Walau kau tahu dia pun merasakannya
Even you know that she felt the same too
“Lapang Dada” is written by Erros who inspired by his late father. After he had a child, Erros just realized that his communication with his father was not really good. Erros think that his father maybe had such a trouble to communicate his inner feelings toward Erros. Through this “Lapang Dada” Erros try to spread the message that we have to relieve everything that had happened, we cannot change the past, just make it as a lesson and move on with our present life. Its music video itself, however, tells about someone who is attending his ex-girlfriend’s wedding ceremony. He still has the same feeling toward his ex, and he knew that his ex also felt the same too. Although it’s hard for that guy to accept the reality that he’s not the one who make a vow with the girl he loved, he still remain calm and try to be as brave as he can.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrsYWnoamGc |
P.S. I am still learning English, so pardon me if there is a mistake in this article.
This article is dedicated to everyone who has been there supporting me.
Especially to my lovely niece, Sherly, for not only hear my so-called stories but also give me courage, advices and always accepting and supporting me the way I am. Thanks to my friend Ryan who is really an open minded person, someone whom I enjoy talking to. Thanks to Puteri, my gogumas friend, my partner in crime, whom I share a lot of fun together. You guys always bring positivity and joy to me♥
kak translatean lagunya dilanjutin dung nanggung sekali huhu